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Downey Real Estate & Homes For Sale
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9584 Lower Azusa Road, Temple City CA

MLS WS24147604
Temple City Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 91780
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Mary Scott

   View Details » Property Owner of 9584 Lower Azusa Road, Temple City, CA - MLS WS24147604 Request showing 9584 Lower Azusa Road, Temple City, CA - MLS WS24147604

2270 Adair Street, San Marino CA

MLS AR24190236
San Marino Real Estate
$2,480,000Price/SQFoot: $1,046.86
3 bedrooms  3 full bath   1 half bath  
Residential Property For Sale
Zip Code: 91108
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Steve Hayashi

   View Details » Property Owner of 2270 Adair Street, San Marino, CA - MLS AR24190236 Request showing 2270 Adair Street, San Marino, CA - MLS AR24190236

656 W Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA

MLS AR24190752
Arcadia Real Estate
$1,250,000Price/SQFoot: $706.21
3 bedrooms  2 full bath   1 half bath  
Residential Property For Sale
Zip Code: 91007
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Stella Guan

   View Details » Property Owner of 656 W Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA - MLS AR24190752 Request showing 656 W Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA - MLS AR24190752

901 Kingsley Drive, Arcadia CA

MLS AR24173502
Arcadia Real Estate
$2,280,000Price/SQFoot: $856.50
4 bedrooms  4 full bath  
Residential Property For Sale
Zip Code: 91007
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Lily Yun

   View Details » Property Owner of 901 Kingsley Drive, Arcadia, CA - MLS AR24173502 Request showing 901 Kingsley Drive, Arcadia, CA - MLS AR24173502

941 E California Boulevard, Pasadena CA

MLS AR24178823
Pasadena Real Estate
$2,378,000Price/SQFoot: $784.82
3 bedrooms  3 full bath  
Residential Property For Sale
Zip Code: 91106
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Nicholas Borrelli

   View Details » Property Owner of 941 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24178823 Request showing 941 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24178823

941 E California Boulevard, Pasadena CA

MLS AR24171724
Pasadena Real Estate
$2,298,000Price/SQFoot: $758.42
3 bedrooms  3 full bath  
Residential Property For Sale
Zip Code: 91106
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Nicholas Borrelli

   View Details » Property Owner of 941 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24171724 Request showing 941 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24171724

943 E California Boulevard, Pasadena CA

MLS AR24178865
Pasadena Real Estate
$2,378,000Price/SQFoot: $785.08
3 bedrooms  3 full bath  
Residential Property For Sale
Zip Code: 91106
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Nicholas Borrelli

   View Details » Property Owner of 943 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24178865 Request showing 943 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24178865

943 E California Boulevard, Pasadena CA

MLS AR24178882
Pasadena Real Estate
$2,398,000Price/SQFoot: $779.33
3 bedrooms  3 full bath  
Residential Property For Sale
Zip Code: 91106
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Nicholas Borrelli

   View Details » Property Owner of 943 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24178882 Request showing 943 E California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA - MLS AR24178882

8203 Firestone Boulevard, Downey CA

MLS AR24046232
Downey Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 90241
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Thanh Quang Le

   View Details » Property Owner of 8203 Firestone Boulevard, Downey, CA - MLS AR24046232 Request showing 8203 Firestone Boulevard, Downey, CA - MLS AR24046232

5662 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach CA

MLS WS24157802
Long Beach Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 90805
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Emilio Campos

   View Details » Property Owner of 5662 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, CA - MLS WS24157802 Request showing 5662 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, CA - MLS WS24157802

N Rowan Avenue, Los Angeles CA

MLS WS24078717
Los Angeles Real Estate
Multi Family - For Sale
Zip Code: 90063
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Antonio (Jose) Rodriguez

   View Details » Property Owner of N Rowan Avenue, Los Angeles, CA - MLS WS24078717 Request showing N Rowan Avenue, Los Angeles, CA - MLS WS24078717

365 W Garvey Avenue, Monterey Park CA

MLS AR24101792
Monterey Park Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 91754
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Shumei Kam

   View Details » Property Owner of 365 W Garvey Avenue, Monterey Park, CA - MLS AR24101792 Request showing 365 W Garvey Avenue, Monterey Park, CA - MLS AR24101792

2011 Potrero Grande Drive, Monterey Park CA

MLS AR24179714
Monterey Park Real Estate
Vacant Land - For Sale
Zip Code: 91755
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Shumei Kam

   View Details » Property Owner of 2011 Potrero Grande Drive, Monterey Park, CA - MLS AR24179714 Request showing 2011 Potrero Grande Drive, Monterey Park, CA - MLS AR24179714

3007 Sastre Avenue, El Monte CA

MLS AR24142125
El Monte Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 91733
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Nicholas Borrelli

   View Details » Property Owner of 3007 Sastre Avenue, El Monte, CA - MLS AR24142125 Request showing 3007 Sastre Avenue, El Monte, CA - MLS AR24142125

2410 W Valley Boulevard, Alhambra CA

MLS WS24010604
Alhambra Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 91803
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Dora Leung

   View Details » Property Owner of 2410 W Valley Boulevard, Alhambra, CA - MLS WS24010604 Request showing 2410 W Valley Boulevard, Alhambra, CA - MLS WS24010604

2620 W Valley Boulevard, Alhambra CA

MLS WS24193268
Alhambra Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 91803
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Emilio Campos

   View Details » Property Owner of 2620 W Valley Boulevard, Alhambra, CA - MLS WS24193268 Request showing 2620 W Valley Boulevard, Alhambra, CA - MLS WS24193268

S Atlantic Boulevard, Alhambra CA

MLS AR24133146
Alhambra Real Estate
Multi Family - For Sale
Zip Code: 91803
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Shumei Kam

   View Details » Property Owner of S Atlantic Boulevard, Alhambra, CA - MLS AR24133146 Request showing S Atlantic Boulevard, Alhambra, CA - MLS AR24133146

840 E Mission Road, San Gabriel CA

MLS AR24051160
San Gabriel Real Estate
Commercial - For Sale
Zip Code: 91776
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Andy Su

   View Details » Property Owner of 840 E Mission Road, San Gabriel, CA - MLS AR24051160 Request showing 840 E Mission Road, San Gabriel, CA - MLS AR24051160

580 W Main Street, Alhambra CA

MLS AR24003006
Alhambra Real Estate
2 bedrooms  2 full bath  
Zip Code: 91801
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Aldon Lai

   View Details » Property Owner of 580 W Main Street, Alhambra, CA - MLS AR24003006 Request showing 580 W Main Street, Alhambra, CA - MLS AR24003006

S Sierra Vista Avenue, Alhambra CA

MLS AR24151882
Alhambra Real Estate
Multi Family - For Sale
Zip Code: 91801
Listed By Coldwell Banker George Realty
Arthur He

   View Details » Property Owner of S Sierra Vista Avenue, Alhambra, CA - MLS AR24151882 Request showing S Sierra Vista Avenue, Alhambra, CA - MLS AR24151882

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