

In an aggressive corporate world, we know all companies have a strong desire to achieve a competitive advantage over others in their industry. We want to help you achieve this while becoming a leader in the exciting and developing local classified community.

  • Growing ranking - The site ranks on the 1st. page of a Google search when searched by property address in most cities of the US.
  • Growing Hits - The site averages over 500,000 page hits per month and growing.
  • Growing Links - The site has attracted links from across the Web and around the world, and continues to be highly ranked by the major search engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo).
  • Growing Audience - Over the past year, both sites & page views and hits have nearly tripled, and monthly site visits have more than doubled.

Advertising Programs

Our program provides low-cost advertising opportunities in many standard button and banner sizes. Ads will appear within the right-hand page frame of our web pages, including the home page ( and secondary pages. We can accept ads in most standard formats including HTML, JPEG, animated GIF, Flash and Java.

To discuss our Advertising Programs, please contact the Taro Systems Marketing Department at:

Taro Systems
Marketing Department
6157 28th Street SE; STE #7
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Phone: (800) 949-3330    
: (616) 940-2893

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